This concept piece was something I created in my own time as a way to practice lighting and perspective. In the process images to the right, you can see the different stages of creating this detailed piece, from sketching the rough layout & cleaning up the line art, to mapping out the flat colour and finally, adding lighting. This was created using Procreate.

This piece of work was a commission I received from an architect looking for a large scale family portrait, spanning 1.5 metres in length. He requested a comic and fantasy style background intertwined with elements and interests of his real life. These included his house, animals, portable café and aspects of the area he lives in (such as the bridge). After completing various trials mapping out the right environment, we played around with colour palettes and other fun easter eggs we could add in to make the artwork as detailed and interesting as possible

This was a personal project I created in my spare time to practice animating various moving elements in a single scene. I created this looping animation to a background of LoFi music which can be seen in my showreel. I chose a purple sunset theme for this animation which brings a nice warmth to the design when paired with the relaxing LoFi beats in the background.

This is a background I designed in photoshop as part of a group project that involved creating a 30 second animation. The final coloured by a team mate as seen above.
This is a perspective drawing I created based off a photograph from the 1916 easter rising in dublin. It was hand drawn on paper and scanned in.

I designed the following set of backgrounds in Photoshop for my short film 'Star-squashed' in college.